
By Rafael Hernampérez Martín 2005

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The Doctor Smile woke up confused and debilitated. He rubbed his eyes and noticed that his whole body was hurting. He looked around him and observed front of him a complex net of corridors formed by walls of ancient and carved stone. He did not know where he was and what he was doing there. He approached heavily towards a wall and he caressed the curious figures over the stone. These forms were familiar, because he had studied on them and had been taking an investigation on the Mayan pyramids. Then, he remembered in an instant where he was and how he had come there.

On his office from Madrid, he had deciphered an ancient Mayan code, relative to a chamber with archaeological exchequers of the great Pyramid of Karfal. By this cause, he made the trip towards the pyramid and uncover the great mystery. He had advanced enough in the interior, when a trap was opened under his feet and fell down fastly towards the endless and dark tunnel. He did not know how many time he was felling down. Maybe, hours. A great blow made him senseless.

In these moment he remembered an ancient legend about the great pyramid of Karfal, and he trembled from his head to his feet. The legend narrated that the pyramid was constructed by the gods, creating many different labyrinths, which exit only was if a few enormous coins of gold were placed correctly on a few concrete tiles. This complex game was constituting the whole challenge to be worth being a god and everything that one that it was not was destined to die, irremediably, there enclosed. In fact, this abominable complex was principally destined to enclose and to condemn to death the thieves and the assassins of that ancient civilization.


The Doctor Smile must overcome the levels of labyrinths that the great pyramid encloses, to be able to find the great treasure and go out of the pyramid. In every level he will have to move the big gold coins towards the corresponding tiles, in order to find the exit. Every labyrinth was constructed for and for the gods. His involved and privileged minds created this challenge, and the resolution isn't easy.


Author: Rafael Hernampérez Martín
Version: 2005.09.28
Levels: 200
Music: 30 melodies
Languages: 10 (spanish, english, french, italian, german, portuguese, catala, basque, russian and greek)

This game is based on the mythical Sokoban. It is totally free, becuause it is based on GPL license. You can copy, distribute and modify it, but you must respect the authorship of the same one.

This game was developed with Java, and it can be played online from Internet, using a web navigator. The unique requirement is the Java Virtual Machine of Java (JRE / J2SE) on your computer. You can download it from

This game can be runed on Windows, Linux and Solaris





This game is based on open source. Any collaboration (testing, ideas, graphics, levels, code, etc.), is welcome, and I will grateful any help.

What's the next?

This project is alive, and there are new ideas and improvements. A new ambicious version is ready, and will be developed on three platforms: Java, Windows and Linux. The main features are:

   - Diversity of graphics
   - Animated Sprites
   - More levels
   - Movements historic

And many surprises more...

"Every day is a white canvas in which we paint with our election" - Rafael Hernampérez Martín
"The best moment?. This one" - Rafael Hernampérez Martín
"Today better than yesterday" - Rafael Hernampérez Martín
"There are more corpses in the living world than in the cemetery" - Rafael Hernampérez Martín